These painting are been rather foxy

  I began these paintings in the hope they would simply flow out on the strength of the source material. The photographs I took of the foxes were so full of like and energy. However the grass is proving as much as trial as ever. I've looked at other artists and what methods they used but I'm still drawing blanks. A gentleman online suggested I used purple and violet to add depth which in theory is completely correct I just lack the skill to carry it out. I've spent two/three hours on one painting before grabbing a rag and whipping clear all my work. More than ever I feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark with some inborn talent but not half enough knowledge. As soon as I have sufficient funds I need to sign up for some workshops.
Before Purple
After Purple- Now

   I think tomorrow I need to further pick out the light tones in the foreground, and ass highlights in the distance. I also need to add closet detail to the foxes fur so that they have more of a presence in the painting as a whole, I think the sun bathing fox has given that canvas shape, the others don't work quite as well and need a focus to draw the eye across the painting. 


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